Post Marathon Run

on Friday, October 27, 2006 at 11:00 PM

Well the quad pain was basically gone by Thursday and I was bounding up and down the stairs like it was just another week. I do have a bit of a sore throat from breathing in that cold dry air for 3+ hours and a nice blue toenail on my left foot which are the only two physical reminders left that I had run the marathon.

I signed up for a 10k race next weekend as a result of my not knowing what my 10k PR is based on the short course 10k from a few weeks ago. The course is certified as a 10k so no short distances this time. Needless to say, I've been itching to get back into things. It rained all evening here and I've been sleeping in as of late, so I headed to the gym for a run at about 9pm. I probably haven't been there since March. It pretty much looked the same as I remember it, but they replaced some of the treadmills with some newer equipment. Nice! I ended up doing only 3 miles. 2.5 were at recovery pace. For fun, i ramped up the speed to 8 miles/hr for half a mile since this was the average pace I had run for the entire marathon. It felt great.


Iron Jayhawk said...

Awesome. Welcome back!!

We've had the running itch, too. Glad to hear your recovery went well and that you're ready to dive back in :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, only one week and you're good to go. Ahh to be young once again.

yumke said...

Back racing! nice.. where's the race?

Arcane said...

It's at the glenangus golf club. i did the half there last year.

Anonymous said...

I felt the itch, too, so I scratched it this past Thursday...did a nice, easy 4-miler. God, it felt great to be back...
